Discover more of what you were meant to do. Are you ready?
Soul Dance Nest is a sacred container for nurturing emerging growth.
Your Unique Gifts.
There must be something more the world needs you to do right now with your unique traits.
You’ve been doing and doing in other ways, but you know deep down that your abilities could have so much more impact and your heart longs for the satisfaction of seeing those skills developed and put to good use in this time. The world needs more and more help and if only you had a deeper knowledge of where your abilities leverage best in it you could make a bigger difference in helping improve the conditions.
Discover Your Place.
If you could only discover what tool you are on the planet, you would understand your life path better and you could live life more fully.
Discovering more deeply who you truly are and why you are here in this lifetime would allow you live more vibrantly each moment with a deeper knowledge of your true purpose. Your bright light is needed now and your higher self awaits you.
Need a Trained Guide?
You have the courage to seek your self and your path, but your seeking will benefit from a trained guide to help you develop your navigation tools to journey through the unknown depths to discover what is hidden below. Re-emerging with new insight you can walk your unique path with more sure-footed steps.
Do you have a longing to understand more about who you are and why you were born here in this lifetime?
Do you hear it calling? Sense that pull, the longing?
It creeps in when you least expect. Something you can’t quite put your finger on is missing. The daily grind and routine are just not filling your bucket, leaving your world gray and numb. You keep trying on different activities to see if they will result in your inner buzzer going, “ding” when it finds the right one, but nothing yet. You may have tried to fill this missing piece with busy-ness or substances that soothe, but they only provide temporary distraction. The news headlines confuse, frustrate, and disappoint. The future deserves better than this. So many need so much, but how to help and where to start? You know you are someone with untapped potential. Gifts you possess sit hidden, collecting cobwebs and you know they should be out there helping the world. You know your old resume isn’t just out of date, it just doesn’t represent you anymore.
You are invited.
You are invited to come incubate in the warm downy underbelly of Soul Dance Nest. Here in this carefully-woven growth space you can allow your fertile potential to transform, take shape, and break free, preparing to take flight. Through a series of meetings, modules, and exercises you can preen your life to align with your true purpose. Shake a tail feather here and find your wings for your unique arc through the atmosphere. The song you sing through your life’s flight path can change the world.
What People Are Saying
“it is very doable in a busy life and even though much of the work is done alone, the meeting with the guide is enough contact to make it dynamic and grounded. Also what could be better than finding your purpose.....maybe that's just me. I think if all people did this it would make the world a very healthy amazing fun place to live. ”
— Sally G.
“ I feel more present, honest, powerful, clearer, more courageous and I am able to be creative and create a vision for myself.”
“ I was able to tune in and listen to my soul deeply, trusting its important for me to follow it and stop procrastinating doing what I like and want ...
Its was a wake up call…I was waiting a long time, thank you.”
— Fabio N.
“This journey, thus far, has been perfect for me. I would not change any of it as I have learned what was needed and I fear had things been any different, I may not have had the same experiences.”
— Cynthia G.